

CL0P Like to MOVEit MOVEit

In May 2023 a vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer application resulted in data from thousands of organisations being stolen by the ransomware group known as CL0P, in a ransomware attack that could affect hundreds of millions of people.

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Chat Bots Aren't Your Friends, So Don't Spill The Tea

Chatbots have been around for years already, but in the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, they have emerged as powerful tools that enhance customer service, streamline business operations, and provide personalized user experiences. However, alongside their legitimate uses, a darker side has emerged: bad actors have begun to proliferate fraudulent AI tools and chat bots.

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The Risks of IoT in Commerce and Industry
The Risks of IoT in Commerce and Industry

IoT adoption is expanding across all industries, but there are several risks associated with IoT. In this article we explain how to mitigate risks and protect businesses from cyberattacks exploiting these new vulnerabilities.

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Is Cyberwar Stalling? Innovation vs. Resilience in Recent Conflicts

In this article, we will take a look at the current state of cyberwarfare in areas where it is most prevalent, and discuss whether we have seen the technological advancement that was theorised.

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The State of Banking Droppers in 2024
The State of Banking Droppers in 2024

The evolution of banking droppers poses a serious threat to Android users’ financial privacy, as cybercriminals are able to constantly develop new tactics to bypass security measures and steal victims’ banking data. Starting from two notorious malware like Xenomorph and Sharkbot, this article explores the recent developments of this cyber phenomenon, providing essential tips for prevention and remediation.

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The BlackCat is out of the bag
The BlackCat is out of the bag

BlackCat is considered to be one of the most dangerous and sophisticated ransomware groups. Since their first appearance in 2021, they’ve been able to carry out attacks against high-profile organisations. However, a recent, suspicious incident involving a large ransom payment has cast a shadow on their future.

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Stealer Malware Logs
Stealer Malware Logs

In recent months, stealer logs have emerged as a new threat spreading across dark web. Through an exploration of parsed and unparsed logs, this article unveils the motivations driving their widespread sharing and provides practicable steps to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

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CRIF Cyber Observatory - 2023 Yearly Report

Cyber-attacks in 2023: 45% increase in data theft on the dark web. Over 7.5 billion pieces of information circulating on the dark web at a global level, with a 15.9% increase in reports. The techniques used by cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated: with the malicious use of artificial intelligence, it is getting harder and harder to distinguish between genuine and bogus communications.

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