

What are the Effects of Identity Theft | White Blue Ocean
What are the Effects of Identity Theft?

Identity theft casts a long shadow over our nascent digital world. It's a crime that can strike anyone anywhere with devastating consequence. In this article, we will delve into the effects of identity theft on victims, both in terms of financial losses and the emotional toll it takes.

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How Smishing Attacks Work - a true story
How Smishing Attacks Work: a true story

Smishing scams: we all think to know how to spot them and avoid them and how to protect ourselves and stay safe from this type of phishing. But what happens when it really works? Read our true story.

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Could You Be the Target of Cyber Crime?
Could You Be the Target of Cyber Crime?

Bad actors, who may be any kind of hacker, carder, social engineer or otherwise, are always on the hunt for their next victim. how likely is it that you, yourself, are attacked in this way? Are you a target?

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Find out how governments fight Cybercrime
How governments fight Cybercrime: strategies and progress

The rise of cybercrime in recent years has been staggering. This article explores the actions and strategies employed by governments to protect citizens and institutions from the ever-evolving digital underworld.

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Read our article on Social Network Security
Safety and the Socialscape: Ensuring Your Social Network Security

Social networks are an integral part of our society; however, we can sometimes be neglectful of what personal information we might inadvertently make available to others. This article delves into the importance of safeguarding your online presence and provides practical tips for enhancing your security across various social platforms.

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Top 10 online shopping safety tips
10 Cybersecurity Tips for Online Shopping: the Ultimate Checklist For Online Shoppers

In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential tips to help you navigate the online shopping landscape safely, enabling you to enjoy the convenience of e-commerce while protecting yourself from potential threats.

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How Bad Actors Begin

There is a clear path of progression for a bad actor to go from unknown and uninvolved, to standing shoulder to shoulder with the internet's most sophisticated criminals. In this article we attempt to answer the question of how bad actors are made.

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Extort Export Could You Be Socially Engineered
Extort, Export: Could You Be Socially Engineered?

Trusting the wrong people can lead to data compromise: social engineers exploit this human error, and manipulate others through fraud or blackmail, making defense challenging. Learn how to recognize and protect against such attacks.

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